XXIV CIDER TASTING IN OVIEDO/ XXIV Preba de la Sidra en Oviedo

From 11.00 a.m. on Sunday 2nd June, Gascona Street in Oviedo was packed with thousands of people who came to taste the first ciders of the season at the 24th edition of the Preba (Tasting), in which 16 cidermakers were judged by an expert and a popular jury.

After purchasing the glass and scarf for this event, the attendees proceeded to evaluate the different ciders, the tasting of which began at 12.00 noon and ended at 2.00 pm. An hour later, the winners of the two categories of the competition were announced.

– The Popular Preba distinguished as the winner the cider maker Viuda de Angelon (Nava), followed by Sidra Menendez (Gijón) and La Llarada (Tineo) in second and third place respectively.

– The winner of the Official Preba was Llagar Herminio (Oviedo). Second prize went to Viuda de Corsino (Nava) and third prize to Sidra Jr. (Gijón).

On the other hand, the prize for the best-looking label went to Sidra Fonciello (Siero).

The nearly 6,000 attendees were also able to enjoy the performances of brass and bagpipe bands in an event organised by the hoteliers of the Cider Boulevard since 2000, coinciding with World Cider Day, which is celebrated internationally every 3rd June.

On Sunday 4th June the XXIII Preba de la Sidra- considered as Festival of Regional Tourist Interest since 2022- was held in Gascona (Oviedo). The event, which lasted for three hours, was attended by 19 cidermakers who offered the public 6,000 litres of cider.

El domingo 4 de junio se celebró la XXIII Preba de la Sidra- considerada Fiesta de Interés Turístico Regional desde 2022- en Gascona (Oviedo). La prueba, que se desarrolló durante tres horas contó con la presencia de 19 llagares que ofrecieron al público 6.000 litros de sidra.

The origin of this festival dates back to 2000, when the cider bars in the area joined together as the Association of Hoteliers Gascona Bulevar de la Sidra, with the aim of revitalizing the street and the town. It is an original event, linked to the authentic tradition of one of the reference elements in Asturias- cider and all the liturgy that goes with it-, and it consists of sharing the first glasses of the season, the cider that is bottled in the months of May and June.

El origen de este festival se remonta al año 2000, cuando las sidrerías de la zona se unieron como Asociación de Hosteleros Gascona Bulevar de la Sidra, con el objetivo de dinamizar la calle y la ciudad. Se trata de un evento original, vinculado a la auténtica tradición de uno de los elementos de referencia en Asturias- la sidra y toda la liturgia que la acompaña-, y consiste en compartir los primeros culinos de la temporada, de la sidra que se embotella en los meses de mayo y junio.

The jury – made up of Sabino Perez, Loreto Garcia, Sindo Martinez, Maximino Villarrica, Agustin Rodríguez, David Hevia Vallina and Mª Jose Hevia – awarded the official winner of the event to Trabanco cider mill. Viuda de Angelón was the champion in the popular competition and Sidra Cortina cider won the prize for the «most beautiful label» of the competition. The pouring was carried out by the two-time world champion Wilkin Aquiles.

El jurado- compuesto por Sabino Pérez, Loreto García, Sindo Martínez, Maximino Villarrica, Agustín Rodríguez, David Hevia Vallina y Mª José Hevia- dio como ganador oficial de la prueba al llagar Trabanco. Viuda de Angelón se alzó como campeón en la prueba popular y Sidra Cortina consiguió el premio a la “etiqueta más guapina” del concurso. El escanciado corrió a cargo del bicampeón mundial Wilkin Aquiles.


The traditional Cider Tasting in Gascona (Oviedo) took place on 5th June, after two years without being able to be held due to the pandemic, and it did so for the first time as a Festival of Regional Tourist Interest.

La tradicional Preba de la Sidra de Gascona (Oviedo) tuvo lugar el 5 de junio tras dos años sin poder celebrarse por la pandemia, y lo hizo estrenándose como Fiesta de Interés Turístico Regional.

Simultaneous pouring/ Escanciado simultáneo

Around 5,000 people, according to the organisers, gathered around Gascona Street and the surrounding area to taste and enjoy the cider from the 19 participating cider houses: Cabueñes, Castañon, Cortina, El Gobernador, Fonciello, Herminio, JR, La Llarada, La Morena, Menendez, Muñiz, Orizon, Peñon, Roza, Trabanco , Vallina, Vigon, Viuda de Angelon and Viuda de Corsino.

Alrededor de 5.000 personas, según los organizadores, se reunieron en torno a la calle Gascona y alrededores con el fin de probar y disfrutar de la sidra de los 19 llagares participantes: Cabueñes, Castañón, Cortina, El Gobernador, Fonciello, Herminio, JR, La Llarada, La Morena, Menéndez, Muñiz, Orizón, Peñón, Roza, Trabanco , Vallina, Vigón, Viuda de Angelón y Viuda de Corsino.

El Gobernador

The members of the professional jury – Mino Villarrica (chairman), Gumersindo Martinez, Belisario Suarez, Juan Millar, Loreto Garcia and David Uria – had an arduous task to decide the best cider, reaching for the first time in the history of the Tasting a tie between two cider makers: Trabanco and La Llarada. Likewise, sidra Muñiz achieved the recognition of the popular jury.

Los miembros del jurado profesional- Mino Villarrica (presidente), Gumersindo Martínez, Belisario Suárez, Juan Millar, Loreto García y David Uría- tuvieron una ardua tarea para decidir la mejor sidra, llegándose por primera vez en la historia de la Preba a un empate entre dos llagares: Trabanco y La Llarada. Por su parte, sidra Muñiz logró el reconocimiento del jurado popular.

Jury/ Jurado

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